How to encrypt files with FinalCrypt on Linux

Need to encrypt and secure your files on Linux? Want an easier to understand encryption tool? Try FinalCrypt! It uses symmetric one-time-pad file encryption to increase security.

Install FinalCrypt

FinalCrypt is an excellent piece of encryption software, but sadly mainstream Linux distributions are not carrying it in their software sources, so if you want to use FinalCrypt on Linux, you’ll need to download and install it from the official website.

FinalCrypt has versions available for Debian and Ubuntu via a DEB package, as well as an RPM for Fedora, OpenSUSE, CentOS, and RHEL users. Additionally, there’s a standalone, executable TarGZ archive for those not currently using a Linux OS with support for these packaging formats.

To get the software working on your Linux distribution, open up a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Shift + T or Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard. Then, follow the command-line instructions below to get the app installed.


On Ubuntu, FinalCrypt works quite well. Best of all, the package pulls in all of the dependencies it needs to run (like Java,) so you won’t need to worry about installing those manually, after the fact.

To start, move your terminal session into the temporary directory. That way, the FinalCrypt package will be erased next time you reboot, instead of having to do it manually.

cd /tmp

Inside of the temporary directory, use the wget tool to grab the latest FinalCrypt version.


Using the dpkg app, install the package on Ubuntu. Keep in mind that errors may occur during this installation. Don’t panic! Just run sudo apt install -f to fix it.

sudo dpkg -i FinalCrypt_Linux_x86_64_Debian_Based.deb

Updates can be found here. You will need to download and install new DEB packages with each update manually.


Installing FinalCrypt on Debian? Lucky for you, the developers of this software haven’t based it around Ubuntu, but Debian Linux, so even some older versions of the OS should handle everything fine!

To start, move your terminal session into the temporary folder. While, ultimately, this isn’t necessary, it’s a good idea to do, as it keeps DEB packages from cluttering your “Downloads” or “Home” directory.

cd /tmp

Inside of the temporary folder, use the wget download the app.  Using the command below, start the download.


The download shouldn’t take too long, as it’s a small package. When wget finishes getting FinalCrypt, use the dpkg command to install it to your Debian system. Be sure to look out for any errors that appear in the prompt during this process, and fix them with sudo apt-get install -f after the package is done installing.

sudo dpkg -i FinalCrypt_Linux_x86_64_Debian_Based.deb

Updates to FinalCrypt for Debian are located at this page here. You must manually re-download and re-install new DEB package releases to enjoy new FinalCrypt features on Debian.

Arch Linux (and Generic Linux)

FinalCrypt has no love for Arch Linux users, as there isn’t an official package available, nor is there an unofficial AUR build. Instead, if you plan to use this tool on your Arch system, the TarGZ way is the only way.

Note: using an obscure Linux distribution? Install the latest OpenJDK Java runtime and follow along with these instructions to get it working!

The first step in getting the TarGZ version of FinalCrypt working is to download it. To download, go to the terminal session and run wget.


After the FinalCrypt TarGZ archive is done downloading, use the tar command to extract everything.

tar xvf FinalCrypt_Linux_x86_64.tgz

Move your terminal session into the “FinalCrypt” folder with the CD command.

cd FinalCrypt

You’ll be able to run the app with:


Alternatively, open up the Linux file manager in Arch and double-click on the “FinalCrypt” file to start it up.


Fedora Linux users have it easy when it comes to FinalCrypt. Since the Dnf package manager can download and install packages directly from the internet, it’s possible to get FinalCrypt up and running with a single command. To get it working on your system, run the dnf command below.

sudo dnf install -y


Using FinalCrypt on OpenSUSE requires downloading the standalone RPM package file. To do this, move your terminal session into the temporary folder using the CD command.

cd /tmp

Once in the temporary folder, wget the RPM package file from the internet.


Install the RPM package file with Zypper.

sudo zyper install FinalCrypt_Linux_x86_64_RPM_Based.rpm

Encrypting files

Encrypting files with FinalCrypt is a simple process. To start, launch the application and click the “create key” button. Then, use the UI to create a new encryption key labeled “encryptionkey.”

When the encryption key has been created, go to the right-hand panel in the window and use the mouse to select your key. Then, select the file(s) or folder(s) you’d to encrypt with the app.

how to encrypt files with finalcrypt on How to encrypt files with FinalCrypt on Linux

Encrypt your files with the “Encrypt” button on the bottom left portion of the app. When the encryption is done, you’ll see a “bit” file in the same directory as the source file.

how to encrypt files with finalcrypt on linux 1 How to encrypt files with FinalCrypt on Linux

Decrypting files

how to encrypt files with finalcrypt on linux 2 How to encrypt files with FinalCrypt on Linux

To decrypt a file, select the encrypted “bit” file on the left side of the window. Then, select your encryption key on the right. When both things are selected, click the “decrypt” button to decrypt everything with FinalCrypt.

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