Chrome has been threatening a new UI for quite a while now and now that Chrome 69 is out, the interface has arrived. The design isn’t bad but telling tabs apart isn’t as easy as it used to be. This is because, among other things, the Windows accent color is now displayed on the entire title bar, even on the background tabs. The speed dial on the new tab page has also changed. The thumbnail previews are gone. If you don’t like it, you can disable the new Chrome interface.
SPOILER ALERT: Scroll down and watch the video tutorial at the end of this article.
Disable The New Chrome Interface
This solution comes via Lifehacker. Open Chrome and paste the following in the URL bar.
This will open the Chrome Flags page. In the search bar, enter the following.
UI Layout for the browser's top chrome
Open the dropdown next to it, and select Normal. You will need to restart Chrome but there’s a Relaunch button that makes it easy. This will restore the look of the title bar and maybe one or two other things. What isn’t changed back to the old version is how the New Tab page looks.
The new design can’t be disabled fully. You may not like the New Tab page either but you can now save ten websites to the speed dial and you can edit them so it’s not all bad. That said, you can disable the new design of the New Tab page. To do so, return to the Chrome Flags page and search for the following.
New Tab Page Material Design Icons
Open the dropdown next to it, and set it to Disabled. Relaunch the browser and you will have the old look of the New Tab page back.
With the old design back, your speed dial is reduced to eight websites that are based on the websites you most frequently visit. If you accidentally delete one, getting it back is a bit complicated so while you may want to get the old look of the title bar back, keeping the new New Tab page around is probably a better choice.
Unfortunately, you can’t get thumbnails back if you want to keep the new design. The old design brings them back. The new design makes use of the favicons or logos of a website which shouldn’t be a problem since, by default, the speed dial is still made up of your most frequently visited websites and you ought to be able to recognize the logo for it.